Máquina de fazer blocos perfurados, Máquina de fazer blocos de pavimentação, Máquina do bloco do Curbstone, OUTROS, Concrete cushion block, Concrete Drainage Pipe, Concrete U-shaped irrigation canal, Concrete inspection manhole
Matéria- prima do tijolo
Cement Rock dust Sand Construction and industrial solid waste
Concrete block making machine
Tamanho do tijolo
400*100*200 milímetros, 400*120*200 milímetros, 200*100*60mm, 300*150*100 milímetros, 400*150*200 milímetros, 240*115*90mm, 200*200*60mm, 150*150*100 milímetros, Other, 400*200*200 milímetros, 230*220*115 milímetros
Lugar de origem
Henan, China
Principais Pontos de Venda
Free trolleys Saving energy consumption
Componentes do núcleo
brick pallet, trolley
Manually assisted brick pressing
Dimensão (L*W*H)
1050-950-1700mm LWH (length, width, height)
Relatório de Ensaio de máquinas
Saída de vídeo-inspeção
Purely manual manpower-assisted brick press
Machine Dimension
1050-950-1700mm LWH (length, width, height)
Weight of the machine
Number of operators
1-2 persons
400-200-200 bricks
Two bricks at a time, 2000 bricks ineight hours
400-150-200 bricks
Three bricks at a time,2500bricks in eight hours.
400-100-200 bricks
Four bricks at a time, 3000 bricks in eight hours.